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Fixed in 2021.3.30f1, 2022.3.7f1, 2023.1.8f1, 2023.2.0b4, 2023.3.0a1, 7000.0.0a1



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Issue ID




[Android] Unity prompts for an update to API Level 36 when API Level 34 is used to build for Android



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project “SDKProject”
2. Select API Level 34 in “Project Settings/Player/Other settings/Target API Level”
3. Build for Android
4. In the shown pop-up window select “Update Android SDK”
5. Observe the build process

Expected result: The building process proceeds without asking for an Update to API Level 36
Actual result: Build failure

Reproducible with: 2022.2.0a14, 2022.3.2f1, 2023.1.0f1, 2023.2.0a19
Not Reproducible with: 2021.3.27f1, 2022.2.0a13

Reproducible on: Intel macOS 13.3.1

Note: API Level 36 does not exist the highest released so far is 34.

Comments (12)

  1. Vanhoang1311

    Jul 21, 2024 05:24

    Change the AndroidTargetSdkVersion and AndroidMinSdkVersion properties in ProjectSettings.asset from 36 to 34, then when entering Project settings in unity, targetAPI is returned 33, is that a display error or just its target 33


    Jul 11, 2024 18:41

    Thanks FENRIQUEZ, it works!

    But if it's not working for anyone, I had to run the following in the CMD console (windows) first:
    E:\Unity\2022.3.2f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\cmdline-tools\6.0\bin\sdkmanager.bat "platforms;android-34"

    Then Edit ProjectSettings.asset, change AndroidTargetSdkVersion value from 36 to 34 save file, and build.

  3. Skykpot

    Jul 05, 2024 17:56

    reproduce in 2022.3.6f1

  4. Msteva

    Jun 28, 2024 15:33

    I have the same problem on unity 2022.3.11f1

  5. ninuxw

    Mar 15, 2024 22:23

    nvm, this was not a LTS version. I don't see a way of removing my previous comment so just ignore it.

  6. ninuxw

    Mar 15, 2024 22:17

    This still happens in unity 2022.3.4f1 (LTS)

  7. richardgomes7d

    Jan 05, 2024 20:26

    Changing the AndroidTargetSdkVersion and the AndroidMinSdkVersion properties in the ProjectSettings.asset from 36 to 34 worked for me.

  8. gamer2300

    Dec 12, 2023 23:46

    Same problem on 2022.3.5f1 solution given by fenriquez is not valid. On sdk manager all is instaaled (AndroidTargetSdkVersion 34...) no one solved this?

  9. vlad1p

    Nov 01, 2023 08:02

    Why are you ignoring the problem?
    When you click Update Android SDK, the change in AndroidTargetSdkVersion: ** is not applied, and the value is returned to 36

    I work through the admin profile
    Unity 22.3.5f1

  10. nhftk

    Aug 29, 2023 20:45

    Running into this problem too.. I tried searching it up but almost no results, is there any solution to this? im building to android on 2022.2.2f1

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