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Under Consideration for 2021.3.X, 2022.3.X



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Issue ID




[Android] Player crashes when AndroidJavaProxy which throws an exception is called from multiple threads



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached Project “ReproProject”
2. Ensure IL2CPP is used as the Scripting Backend
3. Build and Install using ADB to an Android device
4. Open the Command Prompt/Terminal and execute “auto_test.bat” in project folder
5. Observe the app’s behaviour

Expected result: The app runs properly
Actual result: The app crashes (A 'Crashed' text will be displayed in the application if the last run crashed)

Reproducible with: 2021.3.34f1, 2022.3.17f1, 2023.2.5f1, 2023.3.0b2

Reproducible with these devices:
VLNQA00518 - Google Pixel 4 (Pixel 4), CPU: Snapdragon 855 SM8150, GPU: Adreno 640, OS: 12
VLNQA00414 - Galaxy Note10+ 5G (SM-N976V), CPU: Snapdragon 855 SM8150, GPU: Adreno 640, OS: 9
VLNQA00139 - Vivo Xplay6 (vivo Xplay6), CPU: Snapdragon 820 MSM8996, GPU: Adreno 530, OS: 7.1.1
VLNQA00132 - Xiaomi Mi 5s (MI 5s), CPU: Snapdragon 820 MSM8996, GPU: Adreno 530, OS: 6.0.1
VLNQA00278 - Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 (Redmi Note 7), CPU: Snapdragon 660, GPU: Adreno 512, OS: 9.0.0

Reproducible on: macOS(Intel) 14.2.1
Not Reproducible on: No other environment tested

- It might need to wait a few minutes(about 10 minutes) to reproduce the crash.
- You need to change the path of adb.exe in the batch file
- Not Reproducible on Mono Scripting Backend

#00 pc 001ef690 (il2cpp::metadata::CustomAttributeDataReader::GetCtorIterator() at C:/Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2021.3.33f1\Editor\Data\il2cpp\libil2cpp\metadata/CustomAttributeDataReader.cpp:116) /data/app/~~T2m0Xs5RYAc0TEn8CBDRmg==/com.DefaultCompany.AndroidJavaProxyCrash-58p-2GYsNn2NO5ZEsJrNog==/lib/arm/ (jinfo_get_method) (BuildId: 019c9e0e4249532d72e7015393acfceb0a44745b)
#01 pc 00189841 (Scripting::LogExceptionFromManaged(ScriptingExceptionPtr, int, char const*, bool, Scripting::LogExceptionFromMangedSettings const*) at libgcc2.c:?) /data/app/~~T2m0Xs5RYAc0TEn8CBDRmg==/com.DefaultCompany.AndroidJavaProxyCrash-58p-2GYsNn2NO5ZEsJrNog==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 4b2ca256b00c651f3345be43b4c2b81d2e5ad45f)
#02 pc 00188fbb (Scripting::LogException(ScriptingExceptionPtr, int, char const*, bool) at libgcc2.c:?) /data/app/~~T2m0Xs5RYAc0TEn8CBDRmg==/com.DefaultCompany.AndroidJavaProxyCrash-58p-2GYsNn2NO5ZEsJrNog==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 4b2ca256b00c651f3345be43b4c2b81d2e5ad45f)
#03 pc 000672bb (UnityJavaProxy_LogJNIInvokeException(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, long long) at libgcc2.c:?) /data/app/~~T2m0Xs5RYAc0TEn8CBDRmg==/com.DefaultCompany.AndroidJavaProxyCrash-58p-2GYsNn2NO5ZEsJrNog==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 4b2ca256b00c651f3345be43b4c2b81d2e5ad45f)
#04 pc 000035df /data/app/~~T2m0Xs5RYAc0TEn8CBDRmg==/com.DefaultCompany.AndroidJavaProxyCrash-58p-2GYsNn2NO5ZEsJrNog==/oat/arm/base.odex

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