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[Android][Daydream] Flickering in left eye on Google Pixel 2 when using Single-Pass Stereo rendering



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached "TankSmaller" project and change your platform to Android (or use -buildTarget <Android> when launching)
2. Build and run the project on Google Pixel 2

Result: App deployed to Pixel 2 on Daydream exhibits stuttering of the camera position in the left eye

Reproducible with: 2018.1.0b6, 2017.3.1p1, 2017.3.0b1

Note: Does not happen with Multi-Pass Stereo rendering

The cause was that this same project is built for Daydream, GearVR, and
Oculus Rift (desktop). Only on the desktop version, we use PostProcessing
layers on our cameras. We do NOT use those in the Daydream version. When
running on Daydream, we Destroy() the PostProcessing layers on our cameras
when a scene starts. However, the PostProcessingLayer component in the V2
stack sets this property to true on our camera:

.forceIntoRenderTexture = true

And even though we Destroy() the PostProcessingLayer, that property had
already been set during OnEnable() by the PostProcessingLayer itself.

**** When this property is true, you get the flickering on Pixel 2 phones
on Daydream. ****

By programatically setting this property to false, we have managed to make
the flickering stop, as a workaround for now. However, the flickering DOES
still occur during the initial splash screen of the app on a Pixel 2 phone.
Once the first scene of the game loads and begins rendering, as long as we
force that property to false, everything is OK. But the having the
flickering during the game's logo showing while loading is also very yucky
for users.

Reproducible with:
Google Pixel 2 XL*, OS:8.1.0, CPU:arm64-v8a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 540, Build:google/taimen/taimen:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.013/4474084:user/release-keys
Google Pixel 2*, OS:8.1.0, CPU:arm64-v8a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 540, Build:google/walleye/walleye:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.013/4474084:user/release-keys

Not reproducible with:
Google Pixel*, OS:8.1.0, CPU:arm64-v8a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 530, Build:google/sailfish/sailfish:8.0.0/OPR3.170623.007/4286350:user/release-keys
Samsung SM N950U1*, OS:7.1.1, CPU:arm64-v8a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 540, Build:samsung/greatqlteue/greatqlteue:7.1.1/NMF26X/N950U1UES2BQL2:user/release-keys
Samsung SM G950U*, OS:7.0, CPU:arm64-v8a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 540, Build:samsung/dreamqltesq/dreamqltesq:7.0/NRD90M/G950USQU1AQC8:user/release-keys

  1. Resolution Note:

    XR Management has evaluated this issue and determined that it does not meet our current bug severity threshold. If you would like your issue to be reviewed again, please re-submit your bug.

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