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[Android] Build fails with the error "Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" when project has a custom Manifest



# Open the attached "" project
# Go to File > Build Settings
# Make sure that the Android Platform is selected
# Build and Run

Expected result: Build is successful
Actual result: Build fails with a failure message:
A failure occurred while executing$ProcessLibWorkAction
and errors:
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
CommandInvokationFailure: Gradle build failed.
Reproducible with: 2022.2.0a18, 2022.2.0b3, 2023.2.0a4
Not reproducible with: 2020.3.37f1, 2021.3.8f1, 2022.1.12f1, 2022.1.12f1, 2022.2.0a17

- Workaround for the issue is to add in the 4th line of "AndroidManifest.xml"

- Tested on MacBook Pro, Chip Apple M1 Max

  1. Resolution Note:

    `android:exported` is required by Android when the activity has an intent-filter. The error does not happen when using a templated custom Manifest, only if the user modifies it and adds an intent-filter.

Comments (3)

  1. tibtibc

    Mar 03, 2023 05:53

    The same for me... Even after adding android:exported="true"

  2. JuliusM

    Jan 03, 2023 11:19

    IMRANKARIMI009, add android:exported="true" attribute to all of activities with intent filters in your custom manifest file.

  3. imrankarimi009

    Jan 01, 2023 20:06

    I am facing same issue on unity 2022.2.1f1 do you have any solution to fix this?

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