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After playing scene with gameobject having Skinned Mesh Renderer and Mesh Renderer components, Mesh Renderer disappears

Graphics - General


To reproduce:
1. Download the attached project and go to step 6, or skip this step
2. Create empty 3D project
3. Add Cube game object to the scene
4. Save the scene
5. Add Skinned Mesh Renderer component to the Cube game object
6. Add Mesh Renderer component to the Cube game object
7. Play the scene

Expected behavior: scene plays with all components attached to game objects
Actual behavior: Mesh Renderer component disappears and "MeshRenderer component deleted: Obsolete" message appears in the console

Comments (1)

  1. Cenda

    Jul 23, 2016 12:30

    Same behaviour in 5.3.5p7 :( I wanted to switch during gameplay.

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