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"AdaptiveProbeVolumes.BakeAsync()" does not bake the Adaptive Probe Volume when running the Unity Editor in batch mode



How to reproduce:
1. Download the “APVSubscenes“ project
2. Run the “run_unity“ batch mode script from the Terminal/CMD
3. Observe the “buildlogProbeVolumes.txt“ file

Expected result: The line “Baking started with result: True“ is logged
Actual result: The line “Baking started with result: False“ is logged

Reproducible with: 6000.0.7f1
Could not test with: 2021.3.39f, 2022.3.34f1 (Adaptive Probe Volumes not introduced yet)

Reproducible on: macOS 14.5 (Intel), Windows 11 (User’s)
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested

- Change the “run_unity“ script file according to the project folder placement and the version of the Editor
- Adaptive Probe Volumes work as expected in the Editor (not in the batch mode), the line “Baking started with result: True” can be observed in the Console window after loading the scene and clicking “Bake/ProbeVolumes Async"

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