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UNC AppData(Roaming) directory cannot be accessed



What happens:

Unity.exe cannot boot in a particular environment.


When Unity.exe runs, it creates or accesses the Roaming folder like
but it cannot be accessed in some environment.

Using Active Directory and folder redirection, that Roaming folder path comes to UNC like
so that the cmd.exe (bat file) can never access it while booting Unity.exe.

This may happen mostly educational facilities.

Comments (450)

  1. mayajustin1608

    Mar 17, 2021 06:45

    A permanent solution to neuropathy and other inflammatory nerve-related conditions is what ‘Nerve Control 911’ is claiming to provide. It is estimated that over 20 million Americans suffer from some form of nerve damage that is associated with occasional tingling or burning sensations, feeling of pins and needles, shooting or stabbing pain, etc on their limbs. Over time, these conditions could progress into major complications such as serious infections and even amputations. Nerve Control 911

  2. fionabasil0109

    Mar 17, 2021 06:27

    Tinnitus may not have a cure but there are many things you can do to help treat, manage and alleviate the symptoms of this condition. Exactly what is responsible for tinnitus is not yet known, what we do know though is that it is a real (not imaginary) symptom of something that has gone wrong in the auditory or neural system. Tinnitus

  3. fionabasil0109

    Mar 17, 2021 06:22

    On the internet, on TV and radio commercials and in papers and magazines you can easily find many who offers a method that can cure, or at least reduce, tinnitus. This could for example be in the form of “medication” (pills and injections), herbal treatments, different types of therapy and hypnosis. But other “cures” also exist. The list of “cures” is long, and is getting longer. Tinnitus Problems

  4. sherlysylvia1897

    Mar 16, 2021 11:27

    Gluconite is all-natural blood and sleeps support supplement. Not only does it allow you to sleep without interruptions, but it also increases your deep sleep duration. One of the best things about this Gluconite is a 100 percent safe and natural supplement that supports healthy blood sugar. It allows you to have quality sleep to stay active all day long and by boosting your nighttime metabolism. Once you start taking this supplement on a regular basis, your overall health gets better, and your productivity increases. As mentioned Gluconite supplement is manufactured from all-natural ingredients, which make it a risk-free way to improve your sleep quality. Regardless of your body type, sex, and age, you can take this supplement if you have any sleeping problems. Gluconite

  5. sherlysylvia1897

    Mar 16, 2021 11:24

    Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar is syndrome that results from low blood sugar. The severity and symptoms of hypoglycemia can vary from person to person. Blood tests can diagnose low blood sugar, and symptoms resolve when the levels of sugar in the blood return to the normal range.
    Reversirol Supplement Review

  6. fionabasil0109

    Mar 16, 2021 10:08

    Belly fat is a kind of fat that is rigid, and most of the time, it is not easy to dissolve. Still, if your extra gained weight to fix up in the body, then it may cause other serious health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Fortunately, Ultra Fast Keto Boost is a supplement that can solve all of the problems you have relating to overweight. The supplement is already helped a lot of people to lose their extra fat with great success. Ultra Fast Keto Boost

  7. fionabasil0109

    Mar 16, 2021 09:59

    Instant Keto is basically a dietary supplement. People mostly use it enhancing their capabilities of weight loss. Instant Keto producers demand that these supplements will directly start ketosis by giving you a strong dose of BHB ketones. If ketosis is already going inside you, the BHB ketones of Instant Keto will give you the ability to burn through your adipose tissue even faster than the previous keto diet you have already tried. Still, this will not happen if you don’t cut back carbs. This is so for the existence of carbs in your body will fuel your body every time. Instant Keto will just help you to burn out your fats a bit faster. Instant Keto

  8. sherlysylvia1897

    Mar 16, 2021 04:04

    The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland that is part of a man’s sex organs, which also include the penis, scrotum, and testicles. The prostate makes fluid that goes into semen, which is a mix of sperm and prostate fluid. Prostate fluid is important for a man’s ability to father children. The prostate is in front of the rectum and just below the bladder. The gland surrounds the urethra at the neck of the bladder. The bladder neck is the area where the urethra joins the bladder. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. In men, the urethra also carries semen out through the penis during sexual climax, or ejaculation. ProstaMend Supplement Review

  9. mayajustin1608

    Mar 15, 2021 11:25

    If you've had a heart attack, you will most likely be prescribed medication that you will take for the rest of your life. There are many types and combinations of drugs used to treat coronary artery disease (CAD), and your doctor or other health care provider will decide the best treatment combination for your situation. The following gives you a quick look at many typical cardiac medications. Your prescription may have a different name from the ones listed on this chart. Brand names commonly available in the U.S. are shown in parentheses after the generic name for each drug.
    Lion HRT Review

  10. mayajustin1608

    Mar 15, 2021 11:23

    If you've had a heart attack, you will most likely be prescribed medication that you will take for the rest of your life. There are many types and combinations of drugs used to treat coronary artery disease (CAD), and your doctor or other health care provider will decide the best treatment combination for your situation. The following gives you a quick look at many typical cardiac medications. Your prescription may have a different name from the ones listed on this chart. Brand names commonly available in the U.S. are shown in parentheses after the generic name for each drug.
    Lion HRT Review

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