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UNC AppData(Roaming) directory cannot be accessed



What happens:

Unity.exe cannot boot in a particular environment.


When Unity.exe runs, it creates or accesses the Roaming folder like
but it cannot be accessed in some environment.

Using Active Directory and folder redirection, that Roaming folder path comes to UNC like
so that the cmd.exe (bat file) can never access it while booting Unity.exe.

This may happen mostly educational facilities.

Comments (450)

  1. sherlysylvia1897

    Mar 18, 2021 10:41

    The main ingredient in most fat burners is caffeine, which helps you lose weight by increasing your metabolism and helping the body use fat for fuel. It also helps provide energy for exercise and other calorie-burning activities. In the body, caffeine increases the breakdown of fatty acids that reside in adipose tissue—also known as belly fat. Once the fatty acids are broken down, they enter the bloodstream and can be burned up by our bodies to create energy. Fat burners

  2. mayajustin1608

    Mar 18, 2021 10:25

    This program doesn’t contain a short cut to succeed in teaching your kid reading you have to be patient and organized. On the other hand, If you appreciate and understand the strategy behind each lesson plan and try to make your kid enjoy the short daily sessions as explained by the program, you will get results. The Reading Head Start Program is a new reading program for kids as young as 3 years old. It contains a step by step plan for teaching your children reading skills. Reading head start

  3. mayajustin1608

    Mar 18, 2021 10:19

    Manifestation Magic presents a complete package of reading and audio materials. What you,in real, have is making a solid foundation. This is useful not only for the assessment of well-being. Of course, most people view it, but it’s about health and family. In summary, Manifestation Magic is a guide on how to change your thoughts to your aims. When you do this, nothing is possible. Forget about negative opinions, doubts, unhealthy opinions or an upset mood. You’ll notice how you can overcome all the problems that appear slower, and you’ll remain to focus on the promises you’ll make yourself. Manifestation magic

  4. fionabasil0109

    Mar 18, 2021 06:55

    This is a superb way to place all the negative things on your mind and it can allow you to realize how great you’ve got it. There are lots of recommendations and several of them are straightforward to follow. Everything you will need to Meridian Health Protocol Kevin Richardson makes certain is that you aren’t getting discouraged whatsoever the manner which you feel about your self and as you attempt to increase your own life. The usage of the technology will aid an individual change the behaviours of their mind and to control the subconscious mind. That’s employed in a manner that was pure. This is achieved via the programming which are employed from the tech as well as using subliminal frequencies. Among the resources which you could utilize to locate self-improvement is the world wide web. Meridian Health Protocol

  5. fionabasil0109

    Mar 18, 2021 06:51

    This is the only 21-day rapid weight loss system that allows you to lose 1-lb on average per day for 21 days without feeling hungry or deprived. In 21 days, you can have healthy habits embedded in your lifestyle so that you can continue on your new weight loss journey quickly and effortlessly. The Flat Belly Fix is a comprehensive system that serves as your nutritional coach and fitness trainer for the next 21 days, providing you with systematic instructions, exercises, food lists, nutritional information, and much more. Flat belly fix

  6. sherlysylvia1897

    Mar 17, 2021 09:48

    The ACT approach to living with chronic pain is altogether different and refreshing. It helps patients to accept that while pain may be unpleasant, their lives don’t need to be put on hold in order to manage it. In many ways, ACT works to reverse the negative patterns that many pain patients have endured for years. Arctic blast

  7. sherlysylvia1897

    Mar 17, 2021 09:45

    If you are looking for a treatment for hair loss that works without the side effects of chemicals or medications, try some natural remedies. Natural remedies for hair growth have no side effects and won’t burn a hole in your pocket. With some ingredients many already have in the kitchen, you can regain the texture and growth of your hair.
    Hair revital x

  8. mayajustin1608

    Mar 17, 2021 07:12

    Joint pain, also referred to as arthralgia, can be caused by various types of injuries or conditions. Joint pain often involves various degrees of inflammation of the synovial membrane and cartilage loss.1 Individuals affected by joint pain may experience localized swelling and tenderness. One in 3 individuals suffers with some degree of joint pain, and in many cases it affects an individual's quality of life and ability to engage in daily routine activities. Joint pain

  9. mayajustin1608

    Mar 17, 2021 07:06

    Think of aging as "that which happens to our bodies over time." This definition encompasses all of the aging the human body goes through, as opposed to the signs of aging that occur later in life, like gray hair and wrinkles. Some aging is caused by the body. Think kids growing and teenagers going through puberty. Other aging accumulates over time, like skin damage caused by sun exposure. As a result, aging is a combination of bodily changes and the impact of how we take care of ourselves. Longevity activator

  10. mayajustin1608

    Mar 17, 2021 06:57

    we’ll suggest a natural treatment option that contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients which, once absorbed by your body, will help strengthen your bones and minimize joint problems. To do this, we’ll combine the properties of certain seeds with ingredients such as honey, raisins, and gelatine, and produce a source of nutrients capable of reducing inflammation and discomfort.1MD OsteoMD

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