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Fixed in 2019.4.X



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Package Manager error occurs or Win32Exception gets logged when launching Unity with an apostrophe (') in the Editor path



How to reproduce:
1. Change the Editor installation folders name (or any other folders in the installation path) so that it would have an apostrophe (') in it
2. Remove the Editor from the Hub Installs tab and locate it again
3. Attempt to create a new project

Expected result: the project is created and opened successfully without any errors
Actual result: project is launched and Win32Exception is logged in the Console (2018.4) or the project fails to launch (2019.4, 2020.2) displaying a Package Manager error

Reproducible with: 2018.4.28f1, 2019.4.12f1, 2020.1.9f1, 2020.2.0b6

- 2018.4 error
Windows: 'Win32Exception: ApplicationName='[installation path]', CommandLine='/noconfig /shared [some Temp file path], CurrentDirectory='', Native error= The system cannot find the file specified'
Mac: issue does not reproduce
- 2019.4, 2020.2
Windows: 'Failed to start the Unity Package Manager local serves process. Make sure the process [installation path] is not blocked by Windows Defender or any other anti-virus configuration.'
Mac: 'Could not establish a connection with the Unity Package Manager local server process. This is most likely due to a proxy or firewall configuration. Make sure the process [installation path] is reachable via HTTP on the IP address'

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2019.4):

    Fixed in 2021.1.0a1, 2020.2.0b8, 2020.1.10f1, 2019.4.13f1

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