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[Scene View][Ubuntu] Prefab mode UI ghosting in HDRP



*Steps to reproduce:*
# Create a new project from an High Definition 3D template.
# Create a cube in Hierarchy and then pull it into the Project window to create a prefab.
# Open the prefab.

*Actual results:* Continuous ghosting of all UI elements in scene, windows behind the editor can show through as well if you bring up the context menu.

*Expected results:* No issues entering the prefab scene.


*Reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.0f1, 2023.2.20f1, 2023.2.0a22

*Not reproducible with versions:* 2023.2.0a21, 2022.3.26f1, 2021.3.37f1

*Tested on (OS):* Ubuntu 20.04, MacOS


* In some earlier 2023.2 versions that repro this, the issue also occurs in scene view.
* Attached two .mp4s of this issue occuring in different projects.
* Issue did not reproduce on Mac.
* This did not occur with URP, tested with both OpenGL4.5 and Vulkan.

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