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Fix In Review for 0.7.0



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Issue ID




[iOS] [NetCode] "Unity.NetCode.GhostSendSystem wants to execute in..." errors are thrown on application launch

Package: Unity Netcode


Reproduction steps:
1. Open customer's attached project in ""
2. Build for iOS and deploy the Application to a device
3. Inspect the Xcode console

Expected result: There are no errors related to the NetCode package
Actual result: multiple "A system Unity.NetCode.GhostSendSystem wants to execute in Unity.NetCode.ServerSimulationSystemGroup but this group has [DisableAutoCreation] and Unity.NetCode.GhostSendSystem does not. The system will not be added to any group and thus not update." errors appear in the console. The full error can be found in edits

Reproducible with: Unity NetCode 0.5.0 - preview.5 (2020.2.2f1)
Could not test with other Unity NetCode 0.6.0 - preview.6 because I could not resolve errors related to burst after installing it

Note: The developers identified that this is a problem with the Unity NetCode package

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