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Fixed in 5.5.0



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Unity 5.5 corrupts scene or incorrectly reports it as corrupted



- Download and import the Asset Store Package called BIG Environment Pack
- Try to open the scene Isle_01 from the Scenes folder
Unity freezes! Checking the Editor.log reveals the following error:

The file 'New Unity Project 2/Assets/BIG_Environment_Pack/Scenes/Isle_01.unity' - 'Assets/BIG_Environment_Pack/Scenes/Isle_01.unity' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again!
[Position out of bounds!]

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Serialize/SerializationCaching/CachedReader.cpp Line: 220)

This is a regression introduced in or before Unity 5.5.0a5. The scene opens and looks absolutely fine in Unity 5.4.0f3.

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