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Fixed in 2022.1.X



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[UI Builder] UI element properties assigned via UI Builder can't be accessed from script

UI Builder


Steps to reproduce:

1. Open attached project (
2. Open SampleScene
3. Notice there's 2 buttons in the scene - one red, one green. Both added via UI Builder
4. Enter play mode
5. Check the console

Expected result: both buttons should have their background colors and tint colors printed. Height of the button should be printed as well.
Actual result: all colors are returned as black (or RGBA values all 0). Height is also returned as null.

Note: If I first assign a value to that property via script, then it starts to work fine. So seems like stuff created via UI builder is somehow not initialised at runtime.

Reproduced with: 2022.1.0b4

  1. Resolution Note (2022.2.X):

    By design, to get inline styles set in the UI Builder you need to use resolvedStyle instead of style. Also, on Start of a MonoBehaviour the layout has not being calculated yet, so to be able to get an element's height it is necessary to wait until the first GeometryChanged event.

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