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TimelineClip Curve is not displayed properly after resetting TimelineClip

Package: Timeline


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the user's attached project and Scenes/SampleScene scene
2. Open Timeline window by selecting Window/Sequencing/Timeline
3. In the Hierarchy window, select Director GameObject
4. In the Timeline window, make sure that curves view is enabled and add a new key to the curve
5. Select the Timeline clip
6. In the Inspector window, select Reset. ContentsAddedOrRemoved
7. Observe the curve

Expected result: Curve is reset to a previous state
Actual result: Curve does not change

Reproducible with: 1.4.5 - 1.6.0-pre.1 (2019.4.19f1, 2020.2.3f1, 2021.1.0b5, 2021.2.0a3)
Not reproducible with: 1.2.18 - 1.4.4 (2019.4.19f1, 2020.2.3f1, 2021.1.0b5, 2021.2.0a3)
Could not test with: 2018.4.31f1 (Could not downgrade)

Note: Curve is updated and properly displayed after reopening the Timeline window

  1. Resolution Note:

    SetCurve doesn't offer editor signaling mechanisms and is meant to be used either at runtime or when you don't want the Editor to refresh. Please use AnimationUtility.SetEditorCurve to update your curves, and the UI will update correctly.
    This has changed because we did some optimizations to improve performance, and are now only refreshing curves when we need to.

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