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Fixed in 7.2.0



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Issue ID




[SubGraph] Block Subgraphs don't clear their UI when set to none.

Package: Visual Effect Graph


Repro steps:
1. Within a VFX context, create an Empty Subgraph Block
2. Select it and assign a subgraph block from the inspector that has exposed properties.
3. Change the subgraph assignment back to 'none'
4. Observe how the exposed properties remain.

Expected outcome:
- The block UI to clear and revert to the default empty look of the original Empty Subgraph Block.

- Cosmetic, didn't find any practical issues with assigning values to the non-existent slot.
- Does not happen to Subgraph nodes, only to the blocks

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 7.2.0):

    Fix verified in 7.2.0

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