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Fixed in 2017.3.0f3



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Shader fails to compile when 2 equality tests are made and stored back into same float vector with certain Graphics API selected



To reproduce:

1. Download and open attached "" project.
2. Select the "VertexIDTest" shader from the project view.
3. Press the "Compile and show code" button in the inspector.

Expected result: Shader compiles without any errors.
Actual result: Shader fails to compile. Errors appear in the console.

Reproduced with: 2017.2.0b3, 2017.1.0f3, 5.6.2p4, 5.5.4p1.

Notes: Shader fails to compile when Graphics API is set to either OpenGLES3, OpenGLES2, OpenGLCore, Vulkan. Error appears when the following conditions are met(line 31 in VertexIDTest shader):
- Testing equality between the vertex ID (SV_VertexID) and constant values in a vertex shader.
- There are more than two equality tests, and the test results are going to be stored into the same float vector.

Verified with: 2017.3.0b1

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