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Playmaker editor: renaming state loses focus after character pressed (v2)



1. What happened
When trying to rename a state in the Playmayker Editor window, the state loses focus after first character btn is pressed (from keyboard). So it is possible to give only 1-character-long names.

The issue is almost exactly like case 910029. But that one is fixed for 2017.1.
Current issue reproducible in 2017.2.0b5 and 2017.3.0a2 and is a regression from 2017.1.

It is reproducible only upon the following GOs:
- 3D (e.g. Cube)
- UI (e.g. Text)
- 2D (e.g. Sprite)
- Particle System
- Mesh prefab

2. How we can reproduce it using the example you attached
- Open scene 1
- See GOs in the hierarchy that start with '!!!'
- Select a state in Playmaker window for one of the GOs
- Try renaming a state
---> Focus goes away.

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