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Fixed in 0.4.0



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Issue ID




[MPPM] User inputs are ignored in the secondary Player Game view

Package: Multiplayer Play Mode


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project “TestProject”
2. Open the “SCENEPATH” scene
3. Open the Window > Multiplayer Play Mode window
4. In the Multiplayer Play Mode window enable the “Player 2” checkbox
5. Wait until the status of “Player 2” is “Active”
6. Enter the Play mode
7. In the Game view click the “Start Host” button
8. Focus on the “Player 2” window
9. In the Game view press the “Start Client” button
10. Using the “WASD” buttons to move the character around
11. Observe the “Player 2” Game view

Expected result: The Game view camera and the Player character are moving when input is given
Actual result: All of the inputs are ignored with the cursor being locked to the Game view

Reproducible with: 0.1.1 (2023.1.20f1, 2023.2.2f1), 0.3.0 (2023.1.20f1, 2023.2.2f1)
Fixed in: 0.4.0 (2023.2.2f1)
Couldn’t test with: 0.5.0 - 1.0.0-pre.1 (2023.2.2f1) - Couldn’t open the Multiplayer Play Mode window

Reproducible on: Windows 10, Windows 11
Not reproducible on: macOS 13.5.2

Note: After deleting all files in the folder “Library/VP”, the Multiplayer Play Mode window can be opened in 0.5.0 and higher, but the issue is not reproducible in any package version after deleting the files

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