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Fixed in 5.3.0



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[iOS / WebGL] WWW class not showing response text when 4xx status code response



-e: When making a http request using the WWW class, the response body (www.text) is always empty whenever the request has a 4xx status code, even though response body should exist. It works correctly in the editor, but does not work for iOS or WebGL builds.

--Run the attached project from within the Unity editor
--Click the blue TEST button and the status code and web response will be shown on screen
--Now do a WebGL/iOS build.
--run it
--NOTICE the response being empty

Comments (1)

  1. s4ge

    Dec 12, 2015 15:59

    Issue still exists in 5.3.0
    Response code is 200, works in Editor, Windows and Android builds, but not in iOS.

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