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[HDRP] HDAdditionalLightData.RequestSubShadowMapRendering on directional lights breaks cascade shadows rendering



*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Open "OutdoorsScene" in attached project

2. Enter Play mode

*Actual results:* 

Cascade shadows other than the newly refreshed cascade are showing dark artifacts:

*Expected results:* 

Proper cascade shadows rendering similar to this : 
*Reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.1f1 (probably also lower, didn't test)

*Not reproducible with versions:* 

*Can’t test with versions:* 

*Tested on (OS):* Windows

* The script *InterlacedCascadesUpdate.cs* does call HDAdditionalLightData.RequestSubShadowMapRendering sequencially for each cascade of the *Sun* light, with a delay between each call.
It seems that only the first cascade doesn't have the issue.
* When disabling the script on the *Sun* object, and settings the Shadows update mode to "On Enable", and entering play mode, the shadows remain still while the light is moving, which is expected, but no dark artifacts are visible
* This is a critical feature required to save performances in a dynamic time of day scenario

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