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[HDRP] Changing the Opacity of the Material doesn't affect it when the Shader is Arnold Standard Shader

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached "OpacityIssue" project
2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene
3. Observe the Sphere in the Scene view

Expected result: The Sphere is transparent
Actual result: The Sphere isn't transparent. Changing the Opacity value doesn't affect the Material appearance

Reproducible with: 7.7.1 (2019.4.34f1), 10.8.1 (2020.3.26f1), 12.1.3 (2021.2.8f1), 13.1.2 - 13.1.4 (2022.1.0b4, 2022.2.0a2)

  1. Resolution Note:

    The Material in the repro project has "Surface Type" set to "Opaque" in the Surface Options.
    The Opacity value only has effect when the surface type is set to transparent

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