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Fixed in 4.6.X



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Disabled input field crashes Unity when playing



To reproduce this bug:

1. Create a new project
2. Create an input field
3. Play
4. Stop
5. Disable input field in the hierarchy
6. Press play again
7. Crash

Comments (3)

  1. Fntastic_Ent

    Feb 10, 2018 20:58

    This bug has returned in Unity 2017.3.0f3

  2. Hahahaag

    Oct 17, 2014 21:54

    Issue is caused by the combination of running the game and disabling the InputField (or it's parent) in the Editor, a Caret GameObject is created inside the Text component, and that cause the conflict when you hit Play.

    I was able to do a quick "hacky" fix by extending the InputField class and using the OnEnable and OnDisable methods, combined with EditorApplication.update to check for the Caret GameObject, and removing when he appears in Editor mode. This method is not ideal, but it was the only way to fix this issue.

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