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Fixed in 2022.2.X

Duplicate in 2022.1.X



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"Cancelling DisplayDialog" errors are printed when opening "2D URP" Template project



To reproduce:

1. Open Unity Hub
2. Create a new Project with the "2D URP" Template on 2022.1.0a14
3. Inspect Console window

Expected Results: No Errors are present there
Actual Results: "Cancelling DisplayDialog" errors are spammed there:

"Cancelling DisplayDialog because it was run from a thread that is not the main thread: Moving file failed Moving Library/ShaderCache/shader/Unlit650d/01/097824c2b51fb36ca374db552d57cb64.bin to Library/ShaderCache/shader/Unlit650d/00/097824c2b51fb36ca374db552d57cb64.bin: The system cannot find the file

"Cancelling DisplayDialog because it was run from a thread that is not the main thread: Moving file failed Moving Library/ShaderCache/shader/Unlit650d/01/cc72fd0dce10f8603c83ffda41ac3a64.bin to Library/ShaderCache/shader/Unlit650d/00/cc72fd0dce10f8603c83ffda41ac3a64.bin: The system cannot find the file

"Cancelling DisplayDialog because it was run from a thread that is not the main thread: Moving file failed Moving Library/ShaderCache/shader/Unlit650d/01/1a5082e0222dbdbbf926cdf75bfc9621.bin to Library/ShaderCache/shader/Unlit650d/00/1a5082e0222dbdbbf926cdf75bfc9621.bin: The system cannot find the file

- This issue happens on Windows 11 systems (haven't checked on macOS and Windows 10)
- This issue does not reproduce on Ubuntu
- Issue no longer reproduces after closing and reopening the project
- Somehow I managed to reproduce it in Unity 2021.2.5f1

Reproducible on Unity 2022.1.0a14
Not reproducible on Unity 2022.1.0a13
Regression on Unity 2022.1.0a14

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2022.2):

    Fix for this issue available on Unity 2022.2.0a3 and above

Comments (2)

  1. Aetherurgist

    Mar 06, 2022 22:25

    When will it be available for 2021.2.XX? I'm encountering this with 2021.2.13f1 when importing the PiXYZ plugin.

  2. P1llus

    Dec 21, 2021 07:24

    Can confirm this also happens on Windows 10. Had this happen for me today, from a fresh installation of Unity + a brand new 2D URP Template project.

    Build is 2022.1.0b2.2474

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