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[Debug] Debug.* (Debug.Log, Debug.Format, Debug.LogError and etc.) crash...
(Check the attached *.gif file to see the bug) Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Navigate to Assets 3. Open the I... Read more
Heavy memory leak on creating 2D Array
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user-submitted project 2. Create a new empty game object and attach the MapGenerator script 3. In the ... Read more
Script fails to transform Camera position in build only
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project and enter the Play mode 2. Select "Singleplayer" -> "New Game" -> "Player - Player" -... Read more
[Mono] Linq.Expressions.Expression.Call (Expression, MethodInfo, Express...
To Reproduce: 1. Run the attached project. 2. Observe that, 'ArgumentException: instance' (System.ArgumentException when building in... Read more
Native DLL is not imported in Editor while it is working in standalone a...
To reproduce the issue follow the steps: 1. Create new project 2. Download dll's user has attached ( ENet.dll, ENetCS.dll) 3. Try im... Read more
Unexpected jump while debugging nested loops in Visual Studio
How to reproduce: 1. Open Unity 2. Load user-submitted project 3. Open 'ArrayTest.cs' script in Visual Studio 4. Set Visual Studio d... Read more
[Mono Runtime Upgrade] Can't launch windows standalone build built on Wi...
1. What happened The following error appears in system application log ('1.exe' is windows standalone build): Faulting application... Read more
[Mac][.NET 4.6] "System.Net.WebException" error in .NET 4.6
Reproduction steps: 1. Open "Security DLL not" project 2. Enter Play mode 3. See the Console window output (Error) 4. Cha... Read more
Composition namespace in System.ComponentMode namespace is not recognize...
To reproduce: 1. Open the project, attached by tester ( 2. Open dllTest.cs script in Monodevelop 3. In Monodev... Read more
Editor crashes due to ReloadAssembly failure when opening project or rec...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open project attached to Case 986282 2. Wait for project to load Reproduced in: 2018.1.0b2, 2017.3.0p2, 201... Read more
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- Information box is pushed up when resizing the Visual Element located in the upper part of UI Document
- Transparent objects cannot receive shadows from Point Light when Rendering Path is set to "Deferred" and there is Spot Light in the Scene
- ScriptUpdater does not work correctly when Chinese(Simplified) language support is enabled and compiler messages are localized
- Crash on VFXValueWrapper::GetTexture when reimporting texture in use by out of bounds VFX
- Crash on RaiseException when watching an Interface Property