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[Linux] Frame Debugger can not be enabled and asks for multi-threaded re...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project and launch it using the "-forceVulkan" and "-force-gfx-mt" arguments 2. In the Editor open... Read more
Linux Standalone Player freezes when using a material with a shader that...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user attached project ( 2. In the Editor press Ctrl+B to build and run the pro... Read more
The Alt+' keyboard shortcut does not work in Linux
Some shortcuts don't work in linux. Repro: 1) Start unity editor in Linux. 2) Press Alt+' to bring up the search window Result: No... Read more
[Linux] Should not grab hot control with an active capture warning after...
How to reproduce: 1. Create new project 2. Add Cube to the Hierarchy 3. Drag it into Project view to make a prefab 4. Add another Cu... Read more
Linux IL2CPP builds with Debug C++ Compiler Configuration fail and crash...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user attached project ( 2. Press Ctrl+B to build the project (name the build "test" w... Read more
Linux Editor freezes when using Vulkan and switching the Color Space to ...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Go to the menu bar "Edit > Project Settings..." 3. In the "Project Settings" window go ... Read more
Linux Editor has low performace in Playmode on a new project
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. In the "Game" window press on the "Stats" button near the top right corner of the windo... Read more
KeypadPeriod key registers as KeypadDivide in Linux build
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ( 2. Press Ctrl+Shift+B to open the "Build Settings" window 3. Enable "De... Read more
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Latest issues
- Crash on mono_get_hazardous_pointer when running Play Mode tests in a specific project
- [iOS] ‘확인’(Done) and '취소'(Cancel) text is displayed as '...' in the on-screen keyboard when the System preferred language is set to Korean
- [Usability] No warnings when creating the selector with the duplicate name
- [sw-unity-6-1] Shadergraph panning area size is constant regardless of the size or the zoom level
- [Android] Arabic characters are not displayed when the font falls back to the OS font