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[CustomEditor] The value edited in edit mode gets reverted after playing...
Steps to reproduce this issue: 1. Select the GameObject in the scene "TestScene" 2. Lock the inspector 3. Deslect the GameObject (y... Read more
When inspecting Mesh Data of baked NavMesh asset, the text messes up aft...
To reproduce: 1) Get a baked Nav Mesh asset 2) Expose Nav Mesh Tiles -> Element 0 -> Mesh Data, make mouse focus inside it 3) Minimi... Read more
Script component does not get attached if any script contains syntax errors
To reproduce: 1. Open the attached project (it contains the main camera and a script attached to it which intentionally cause some c... Read more
DrawDefaultInspector() doesn't work properly
To reproduce: 1. Open a project 2. Open a scene with an object that has a sprite renderer 3. Click on the game object in the hierarc... Read more
Component context menu doesn't work on right click when script is missing
Editor no longer allows pull down menu with right click or 2 finger click on Mono (missing) scripts in Inspector To reproduce: 1. ... Read more
Monobehaviour cannot be loaded in inspector
Monobehaviour cannot be loaded in inspector. 2) How can we reproduce it using the example you attached. 1. Open the scene "TestScen... Read more
Crash on Adding Component via Inspector Add Component button
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached Unity Project "" 2. Load Scene "Scene" 3. Select GameManager Game Object ... Read more
[HideInInspector] Script with HideInInspector hideFlags and [ExecuteInEd...
Script with HideInInspector hideFlags and [ExecuteInEditMode] attribute cannot be removed from gameobject after deleting it from the... Read more
[Curves] Can't highlight particle curve max value text field, text curso...
Repro steps: 1. Open Particles scene from attached project. 2. Select particle system and click on any curve (i.e. turn Start Life... Read more
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Latest issues
- "Draw Additional Lights Shadowmap" calls increase when custom MaterialBlockProperty is used
- Crash on _platform_memmove when importing the "Dragon Crashers - URP 2D Sample Project" to a new 2D project
- "Shader is not supported on this GPU" warnings and and shaders are not loading when building the project for non-Chromium browsers
- [iOS][URP] The screen flickers and the "Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution" error is thrown continuously
- Shortcut Manager shows empty conflict filter when resolving runtime conflicts involving different contexts