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[Regression] Crash in GfxDevice::SetRenderTargets caused by GrabPass{} i...
1. Open QA stripped project 2. Open scene 3. Switch to android or iOS platform -- CRASH Reproduced on: 5.6.1p2, 2017.1.0b6, 2017.1.... Read more
Multiple Editor windows are shaking when re-sizing them with DX12 Graphi...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Set the Graphics API to Direct3D12 in the Rendering section (Edit -> Project Settings -... Read more
[Editor] VSync (Game View only) doesn't work on DX12 and Vulkan
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached user's project "" 2. Make sure that DirectX12 is selected as the Graphics... Read more
The Editor crashes when loading a scene
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Open Assets\JTRP_Samples\SampleScenes\StyleTransferSample.unity Expected... Read more
Editor crashes when enabling a certain gameObject
Reproduction steps: 1. Open users attached project 2. Open Scenes/DemoWithPostProcess.unity scene 3. Select the "PfbRaytraceDataMana... Read more
Editor crashes when opening TerrainDemoScene from "Unity Terrain - HDRP ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open Assets/TerrainDemoScene_HDRP/Scenes/TerrainDemoScene Expected result: Scen... Read more
[DX12] Editor crashes on ComputeShader::BeforeDispatch when using using ...
How to reproduce: 1. Extract the attached project 2. Execute the following command - Unity.exe -batchmode -runTests -assemblyNames “... Read more
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- Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() freezes the Editor when releasing Mesh objects
- 16-bit Sprite Textures have a banding effect and loss of data when packing into Variant Sprite Atlas
- HDRP Cluster artifacts when having more than 100 lights
- ParticleCollisionEvent.intersection generates extremely high values when particles collide while in Play Mode
- Custom attributes are not properly converted to subgraphs