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[Camera] When the camera "clearFlags" are set to "Nothing" and the "cull...
Steps to reproduce this issue: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open 'MainScene' 3. Build the scene on MacOSX standalone 4. Notice c... Read more
Object inside Canvas gets rendered even if it is assigned to a Layer tha...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached Unity project "" 2. Open scene "scene1" 3. Go into Play Mode Expected result: Image s... Read more
[Camera][VR]When near clipping plane is set to "0.01" camera does not re...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project. 2. Open scene named "main". 3. Press play button in the Editor. 4. Select game object ... Read more
[Forward] Texture UV Flips in Game View when Forward rendering is on
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene "Test" 4. Make sure game view window is visible 3. Open Player settings ... Read more
[Projector] Projectors renders twice per affected object if there is any...
To reproduced: 1.Create new project, import attached "repro" package. 2.Open and play "repro" scene, notice projected blue box on pl... Read more
Water Reflection and Refraction rendering is different between the Edito...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project (; 2. Open the Main.unity scene; 3. Click on the WaterCamera; 4. Try ... Read more
Crash doing GL.Begin(GL.QUADS) with wrong vertex count, 5.3 regression
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project ( 2. Play test scene 3. Editor crashes Reproducible: 5.3.1p3, 5.4.0b2 Regre... Read more
Adding Post Processing profile to a Camera destroys shading
To reproduce: 1. Open attached Unity project "Shaderkasten" 2. Open Scenes --> WaterScene 3. Go into Play mode and o... Read more
[DepthOnly] Clear flags set to "depth-only" is clearing the color buffer...
Clear flags set to "depth-only" is clearing the color buffer if a non-standard viewport rect is set. Reproducible on 4.6.0f1, 4.6.3f... Read more
[Cinemachine] Virtual camera position not getting updated from the inspe...
Virtual camera position not getting updated from the inspector after assigning Follow and Look At target. Steps to repro: 1. Open ... Read more
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- VideoPlayer.loopPointReached invokes twice when WaitForFirstFrame is enabled
- Converting empty groups along with nodes into a subgraph prevents subgraph creation and throws errors
- Information box is pushed up when resizing the Visual Element located in the upper part of UI Document
- Transparent objects cannot receive shadows from Point Light when Rendering Path is set to "Deferred" and there is Spot Light in the Scene
- ScriptUpdater does not work correctly when Chinese(Simplified) language support is enabled and compiler messages are localized