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World Space Canvas is not rendered to the Render Texture on build when C...
How to reproduce it: 1. Open the user's attached project "" 2. Load the "SampleScene" 3. Build and Run th... Read more
Setting Camera.targetTexture = null increases camerastack stackcount
Reproduction steps: 1. Open attached project "" and scene "SampleScene" 2. Enter Play Mode 3. In Frame Debugger windo... Read more
GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes/TestPlanesAABB returns true when ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Open "SampleScene" scene 3. Select the Main Camera gameObj... Read more
[URP] [Camera] Depth seems incorrect to user when camera's postpro=off
Steps 1a. Open 16bpc minimal repro 1b. upgrade to URP, create a new UniversalRenderPipelineAsset 1c. assign URPAsset in Graphics s... Read more
Crash on CameraStackRenderingState::ReleaseResources when restarting the...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new HDRP project 2. Go to Window > Render Pipeline > HD Render Pipeline Wizard 3. Select the "HDRP +... Read more
Currently used Camera changes randomly when drawing mesh with DrawMeshNow()
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project from "Surface" 2. Enter Play Mode 3. Move your cursor around the Ed... Read more
[SRP] SetupCameraProperties creates incorrect projection matrix unless y...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open attached project "" and scene "Scene" 2. In Hierarchy window, select "Main Camera" G... Read more
[Occlusion Culling] Camera invisible objects aren't culled in certain sc...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ("") 2. Open "Occlusion" scene 3. Open Occlusion window (Window-... Read more
CullingResults.visibleLights returns positive light count while there ar...
CullingResults.visibleLights returns positive light count while there are no visible lights in the camera frustum when oblique camer... Read more
Disabling one of the lower-depth cameras breaks higher-depth camera and ...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new 3D Template project 2. Open the Sample Scene and delete the Main Camera and the Direction Camera 3... Read more
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- ScriptUpdater does not work correctly when Chinese(Simplified) language support is enabled and compiler messages are localized
- Crash on VFXValueWrapper::GetTexture when reimporting texture in use by out of bounds VFX
- Crash on RaiseException when watching an Interface Property
- Assembly definition "Any Platform" checkbox is useless and does not follow nested checkbox rules
- Input from the "Backslash" key is not detected in the Web Player when using the Japanese 106/109 key keyboard