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"Blender could not convert the .blend file to FBX file" error is thrown ...
"Blender could not convert the .blend file to FBX file" error is thrown when .blend file is imported and Blender 3.0.0 is the defaul... Read more
[Firebase] An internal build system error "Backend exited with code 2" i...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project "My" 2. Create/reimport/delete a script 3. Observe the Console win... Read more
Scripts are missing after importing a custom Package
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached "" project 2. Open the "AvatarDemoScene" Scene 3. In the H... Read more
Mesh has wrong vertices count when Index Format is set to 16 bit
How to reproduce: 1. Open users attached project 2. In the Assets folder expand "sphere_163842_327680.fbx" asset 3. Select "Icospher... Read more
FBX doesn't change its Prefab's Material to Default-Material after setti...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "case_1401070" project 2. Select the "BlueCoffee" FBX Asset in the Project Browser 3. Set the... Read more
"referencedClips" of a matching file with @ symbol is added even when Le...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new project 2. Import the users attached FBX files into the same folder 3. Select 'Generic' or 'Huma... Read more
OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties isn't called when setting extr...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user-attached project 2. Select Barrel.fbx in Packages\Model Import Bugs\Runtime folder 3. Toggle the "O... Read more
[FBX Import] MaterialDescription does incorrect color conversion when pr...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user-submitted project 2. Navigate to Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Other Settings 3. Change Col... Read more
Data asset references are not reported by AssetDatabase when using GetDe...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. On the Menu Bar press Data Ref Exp > Log All Dependencies Expected result: all ... Read more
"inconsistent result" warning when reimporting Sprite by calling Sprite....
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. Right-click the mesh_test Sprite in the Assets folder 3. Press Reimport Expecte... Read more
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- Shader warnings are thrown after building High Definition 3D template
- "EndLayoutGroup: BeginLayoutGroup must be called first" error is thrown when changing Shader Precision Model from the Build Profiles window
- White artifacts/outlines are visible in the Garden Scene when viewing at meshes from a distance
- Shader warnings "Sprite-Unlit-Default" are thrown after building 2D Platrformer Microgame Template
- [Android] HLSL shader becomes corrupted when running on an Android device