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Image does not auto-reimport when substituting it with a different image...
How to reproduce: 1. Open user attached project 2. From inside of the project's directory copy and paste "icon_01.png" and "icon_02.... Read more
OnPostprocessAllAssets and OnAfterDeserialize are called two times when ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached "" project 2. Clear the Console window 3. Create ... Read more
Crash when importing a specific FBX asset
How to reproduce: 1. Open a new Unity project 2. Try to import the "crash_fbx.FBX" asset Expected result: The FBX asset imports suc... Read more
Higher import time when using Parallel import
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Right-click on Assets > Textures > Test folder 3. Select Reimport 4. Open... Read more
External Materials (Legacy) are not generated when Cache Server is used
How to reproduce: 1. Make sure you have Accelerator running on your system 2. Unzip the project ("") to three seperat... Read more
"inconsistent result" warning when reimporting Sprite by calling Sprite....
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. Right-click the mesh_test Sprite in the Assets folder 3. Press Reimport Expecte... Read more
Data asset references are not reported by AssetDatabase when using GetDe...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. On the Menu Bar press Data Ref Exp > Log All Dependencies Expected result: all ... Read more
[FBX Import] MaterialDescription does incorrect color conversion when pr...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user-submitted project 2. Navigate to Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Other Settings 3. Change Col... Read more
Newly created GameObject Tags are not serialized to "TagManager.asset" file
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. In the Hierarchy window select any GameObject 3. In the Inspector window click on "Unta... Read more
"referencedClips" of a matching file with @ symbol is added even when Le...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new project 2. Import the users attached FBX files into the same folder 3. Select 'Generic' or 'Huma... Read more
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- Texture2D.PackTextures causes mips 7-9 to turn pink when packed textures are of ASTC 4x4 compression
- "OnApplicationQuit" is called when "Application.wantsToQuit" returns false
- Console search fails to find log messages when log messages contain <B></B> tags
- Crash on Object::SetCachedScriptingObject when opening the project
- ListView fails to display items when the source list is cleared and a single element is added