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Navmesh agent's destination path is not updating/generating correctly wh...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" and scene "SampleScene" 2. Enter Play mode 3. Press "Space" bar to ... Read more
Field value target changes if a new element appears above the field that...
How to reproduce: 1. Open a new (any) project 2. Open the Navigation window 3. Expand the Advanced section 4. Enable "Manual Voxel ... Read more
Baking inside scene opened in Additive mode does not affect NavMeshes in...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "NavMeshAdditive" 2. Load scene "NavMesh" 3. Bake out a NavMesh 4. RMB click on scene "... Read more
NavMesh/Occlusion deletes Addressable AssetGroup NavMesh when baking Nav...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user attached "" project 2. Open Window -> Asset Management -> Addressab... Read more
[NavMesh] NavMesh fails to create all portals connecting two tiles when ...
To reproduce: 1. Open QA attached project "", scene City 2. Observe the area between two Nav Mesh Ob... Read more
Labels Overlap in NavMeshObstacle Inspector when shape is set to "Box" a...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open attached project "" and scene "SampleScene" 2. In Hierarchy window, select "Na... Read more
OffMeshLink does not calculate the path correctly after carving a NavMes...
How to reproduce: 1. Open user-submitted project (New Unity 2. Open the scene.unityscene 3. In the Scene View note the ... Read more
NavMesh Agent is still considered on OffMesh Link at 0 position X
Reproduction steps: 1. Download "" project and open in Unity 2. Open "ObstacleTest" scene 3. Select "Guy" in Hierarchy and s... Read more
Crash on CalculateMeshBounds when baking Navmesh
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user's attached project 2. Open scene "TestScene" 3. Go to Window > AI > Navigation and open the Bake ta... Read more
[AI] Missing Assembly Reference exception is shown when importing the Na...
What happened: Missing Assembly Reference exception is shown when importing the NavMeshComponents Package. Steps to Reproduce: 1. ... Read more
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- Crash on ResizeScriptingList<ScriptingObjectPtr> when passing an undeclared variable to the results parameter for GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag
- [Android] "Screen.safeArea.y" always returns values outside of the Safe Area when the device is in Portrait orientation
- Frame spike due to many TreeRenderer.TreeUpdated calls when repositioning terrains in large Scenes
- Crash on GameObject::RemoveComponentFromGameObjectInternal when reparenting Text GameObjects
- [IL2CPP-GarbageCollector] Changing GCMode might permanently disable GC in a multithreaded context