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Profiler window does not show multiple available targets for standalone ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached '' project 2. Build the 'Scenes/SampleScene' scene (make sure that 'Develo... Read more
[UX] Can't drag a noodle out of Trigger blocks.
Repro steps: 1. In the Update context, create a Trigger block (of any type) 2. Try to drag out a noodle out of the GPU event output ... Read more
[Terrain Tools] No Light theme styling for Noise Editor Window
Styling for the window is a mix of light and dark themes 1. Open new project 2. Enable preview packages in project settings 3. Inst... Read more
[Terrain] High CPU usage from Terrain.UpdateMaterials method when Editor...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" and scene Assets -> Scenes -> Bugs -> "TerrainBugReproScene" 2. Enter P... Read more
Once paused, the Profiler does not resume recording when profiling WebGL...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene 3. In the Build Settings window check "... Read more
[2D] Unable to assign GUID error occurs on updating 2D SpriteShape packa...
Unable to assign GUID error occurs on updating 2D SpriteShape package to 5.0.1 Steps to Repro: 1. Create a new Project 2. Install/... Read more
[Input System] Player prefabs are not instantiated on Join Action when t...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ("") 2. Open the repro scene ("SampleScene") 3. ... Read more
User is not warned that Editor has to be restarted to build with newly a...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open/create any Unity project 2. Enter Build Settings 3. Select any not currently installed platform 4. Click... Read more
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- [IL2CPP-GarbageCollector] Changing GCMode might permanently disable GC in a multithreaded context
- Crash on invalid_parameter_internal when starting Standalone Profiler
- UI Toolkit buttons stop receiving inputs when entering the new Scene while holding a button during Scene change
- VFX Graph tooltips have a double line on the bottom side
- TMP font size is "-99" by default when TMP Resources are not loaded