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Editor takes a long time to open VFX Graph 'Subgraph' asset when it is h...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "IN-93826" project 2. In the Project window, navigate to Assets > VFX > Subgraphs 3. Open... Read more
Crash on BucketAllocator::Allocate when importing TextMeshPro assets
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached "repro_IN-94643" project 2. Open the "Assets/Scenes/TestingScene.unity" Scene 3. Observe th... Read more
[ShortcutManager] The modifier key (ALT, CTRL, SHIFT) are not activated ...
How to reproduce: 1. Create and open a new project 2. Open Edit > Shortcuts 3. Focus on the Shortcuts window (do not press any ke... Read more
GameObject has a blue tint when iOS platform is selected
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “ShadingIssue” project 2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/SampleScene“ Scene 3. In the Build Pro... Read more
[URPRenderPipelineConverter] No message in the Console after the success...
*Steps to reproduce:* # Download attached project and open in Unity # Open the URP Converter >> Window >> Rendering >> Render Pi... Read more
[URPRenderPipelineConverter] Not upgrading the Legacy material
*Steps to reproduce:* # Download attached project and open in Unity # Open the URP Converter >> Window >> Rendering >> Render Pi... Read more
Crash on GetEffectiveBc7TextureCompressor() when loading and unloading a...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the “user’s attached project” 2. Click on “Tools/Iterate All Assets“ through the Main Menu 3. Observe... Read more
Console displays "ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter...
*Steps to reproduce:* # Create a project # Go to File -> New Scene # Select: ** "Basic (URP)" ** or "Lit 2D (URP)" ** or... Read more
[FrameDebugger] Missing Help button that should lead to the documentatio...
*Steps to reproduce:* # Download attached project and open in Unity. # Open the Frame Debugger >> Window >> Analysis >> Frame De... Read more
[Linux] D-Pad is either not working or sometimes working when UI->Naviga...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “IN-93685_steam_deck“ project 2. Open the “Assets/_<project name>/Runtime/Input Actions/Inp... Read more
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Latest issues
- "Draw Additional Lights Shadowmap" calls increase when custom MaterialBlockProperty is used
- Crash on _platform_memmove when importing the "Dragon Crashers - URP 2D Sample Project" to a new 2D project
- "Shader is not supported on this GPU" warnings and and shaders are not loading when building the project for non-Chromium browsers
- [iOS][URP] The screen flickers and the "Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution" error is thrown continuously
- Shortcut Manager shows empty conflict filter when resolving runtime conflicts involving different contexts